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1 / What do you mean when you say "Spirit"?

Spirit is a term that I use loosely. In short, it can mean whatever you want it to mean or you can interchange it with a higher power you are comfortable with (like God, Universe, a specific deity, etc...).


I personally use Spirit as a broad term to reference the universal source energy that we all come from. If this is a little confusing, think of this energy like the ocean and each person or soul like a drop of water from that ocean!

2 / What should I expect from a reading with you?

Like I say in my "About" section, I work for Spirit first and foremost, so my highest priority is making sure that I share whatever messages are coming through as clearly as possible. I also make an effort to ask Spirit for important ideas related to how you can continue healing.


This means that readings typically include potential challenges you may encounter as well as ideas that can assist in moving through these challenges and towards healing.

3 / How do you receive messages from Spirit?

Spirit generally communicates to mean through clairvoyance or "clear seeing". In other words, I receive powerful visuals that I describe to you along with their meaning. However, the visuals themselves can mean more to you than just the meaning interpretation I share!


I also use oracle cards to help me navigate through some of Spirit's messages. Oracle cards can also help me in guiding the reading to where Spirit wants so that the most important messages can be shared.

4 / I have a different question!

No worries! Please feel free to contact me directly, here.


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